oleh PM X Yezzo

"But He was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His stripes we are healed." (Isaiah 53:5)

39 lashes; agonizing prayer on my side before the execution upon Christ's image began on the canvas. Though only a symbol, my hand trembled as I held a real whip with sharp-metal edges in my sinful hand and gave"Him" forty minus one.

As I fulfilled my last strike, formations of open wounds have appeared unochestrated - as led by the Holy Spirit. And at the shadow of the Savior's feet are found random stripes resembling the cross. Glorious gold has been chosen over blood red to retell of His wonderful sacrifice for humanity. Real gold flakes have been used on my painting to reflect the powerful and glorious events of Christ's wounds upon the lives of those who be care.

Finally, the same thorn plant in Israel that was used to make the crown of thorns, which was placed upon the head of Jesus two thousand years ago, is right before your eyes on this piece of artwork. You are now legally standing before history; to be exact, before His story!

Hopefully, by gazing at this portrayal of Christ's suffering - and victory - you will remeber what He has done and purchased for you. Because when you do, you will be healed. Received!

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